个人简介 温金明,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您三级教授,博士生导师,中组部海外高层次青年人才、广东省青年珠江学者,曾担任广东省科技奖、广东省教育厅长江学者推选、广东省万人计划青年拔尖人才推选、GF卓越青年科学基金、深圳市孔雀团队、广州市重点领域研究计划项目、惠州市重点领域科技攻关“揭榜挂帅”项目、广州市黄浦区国际科技合作会评专家,广东省科技创新战略专项项目咨询专家、2020年松山湖创新创业大赛未来通信行业大赛决赛会评专家、国家自然科学基金、国家留学基金委、广西省科技奖、广东省/陕西省科技厅、广东省教育厅、广州市科技局函评专家。现任IETQuantum Communication、Frontiersin Computer Science等期刊编辑。 近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上基金(2项)、广东省自然科学基金面上基金(2项)、密码科学技术全国重点实验室开放课题重点项目等多项项目,以第一/通讯作者在TIT、TSP等著名期刊和会议发表论文50余篇,其中第一作者发表的论文30余篇,其中发表在中科院1区/TOP期刊、CCFA类期刊、中国数学会推荐T1类期刊论文28篇,4篇曾入选ESI高被引论文、单篇SCI引用最高126次。以第二主编在清华大学出版社出版教材《数据处理实践教程(微课版)》。 指导多名学生在香港中文大学、伦敦经济政治学院等著名高校攻读硕士/博士学位或者联合培养,指导的学生已签约腾讯、美团、华为、中国移动、兴业银行等著名IT和金融机构,指导多名学生发表高水平论文、申请专利、在学科比赛中获奖。
学习经历 2010.9--2015.2 麦吉尔大学(McGillUniversity),数学与统计学院 2008.9--2010.6 吉林大学,数学学院 2004.9--2008.6 吉林化工学院,理学院
工作经历 2018.9--至今 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,教授 2017.9--2018.8 多伦多大学,ResearchFellow 2016.9--2017.8 阿尔伯塔大学,ResearchFellow 2015.3--2016.8法国科学院里昂并行计算实验室,ResearchFellow 研究方向 格密码,稀疏学习,人工智能,智慧教育 招生意向团队现有5名博士,12余名硕士 招收人工智能、网络空间安全、计算机、数学、以及通信方向的博士、硕士及本科生,科研能力突出者可以推荐到普林斯顿大学、多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学等世界著名名校继续深造,愿意去企业工作的可以推荐到google、亚马逊、华为、大疆等著名IT企业。
一.学生升学就业情况 (7)指导的2022届本科毕业生吴镇延已获伦敦政经经济学院等著名高校的offer; (6)指导的2022届本科毕业生韩雨薇已获香港理工大学、美国理海大学等著名高校的offer; (5)指导的2021届本科毕业生杨斯璇已获英国谢菲尔德和伦敦玛丽女王等著名高校的offer; (4)指导的2021届本科毕业生王琨目前在香港中文大学攻读硕士学位; (3)指导的2020届本科生赖佳雯已获帝国理工、英属哥伦比亚等著名高校的offer; (2)指导的2019届本科毕业生邱俊文目前在香港中文大学深圳分校攻读硕士学位; (1)2019届(首届)硕士已经获得腾讯、华为、兴业银行等著名IT公司和金融机构的offer;
二.学生学术、就业交流情况: (2)所有学生已参与企业项目交流或学术会议交流; (1)1名博士已获得新加坡国立大学联合培养offer;
三.学生获奖情况: (6)何红雨荣获研究生国家奖学金; (5)何红雨、何梓濠荣获2021年广东省研究生学术论坛—计算机通信与编码理论研究论坛论文比赛一等奖; (4)何红雨、何梓濠荣获第二届粤港澳论文比赛一等奖; (3)罗彬获得研究生数学建模竞赛国家三等奖; (2)指导本科生王琨,陈丽熹,冼长进获得2020届全国高校密码挑战赛国家三等奖; (1)多名学生在吴渔夫科技比赛中获奖;
四.学生发表论文列表: [11] | 罗彬(学生),温金明,吴永东,陈洁,可编辑区块链的研究现状与挑战,《信息安全学报》,已经录用 | [10] | JinmingWen,Hongyu He(学生), ZihaoHe (学生) andFumin Zhu. A Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithmfor Sparse Signal Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(2023), pp.7621-7630. (中科院1区期刊) | [9] | QingLi(学生),Shuai Zhao(学生),Shancheng Zhao andJinmingWen*. LogisticRegression Matching Pursuit algorithm for textclassification,Knowledge-BasedSystems , 277(2023),110761. (中科院1区期刊) | [8] | ShuaiZhao(学生), ZhuoqianLiang, JinmingWen* and JieChen.Sparsing and Smoothing for the seq2seq Models, IEEETransactions on Artificial Intelligence, 4(2023),pp.464-472. | [7] | ShuaiZhao(学生),Qing Li, Yuer Yang, JinmingWen* andWeiqi Luo. From Softmax to Nucleusmax: A NovelSparse Language Model for Chinese Radiology ReportSummarization,ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(2023),pp.1-21. | [6] | KangLi(学生),Fengjun Xiao, Bingpeng Zhou and JinmingWen*. A sharper lower bound on Rankin's constant,Information Processing Letters, 182 (2023),106379.(中国密码学会B类期刊) | [5] | ShuaiZhao(学生),Qing Li(学生)),Tengjiao He and JinmingWen,A Step-by-Step Gradient Penalty with SimilarityCalculation for Text Summary Generation, Neural Processing Letters (2022): 1-16. | [4] | ShuaiZhao (学生),TengjiaoHe and JinmingWen,Applied Intelligence 53.2 (2023): 2042-2054. | [3] | ZihaoHe(学生),Hongyu He(学生),Xiaoli Liu and JinmingWen, An Improve Sufficient Condition for Sparse SignalRecovery with Minimization of L1-L2, IEEE SignalProcessing Letters, 29(2022), 907-911. | [2] | YinghuaWang, Zihao He(学生),Guoming Zhang and JinmingWen*,Improved Sufficient Conditions Based on RIC ofOrder 2s for IHT and HTP Algorithms,IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, 30(2023), pp. 668-672. (中科院2区期刊) | [1] | ZhiminZhang, Jinpan Fang(学生),Jaduo Lin(学生),Shancheng Zhao, Fengjun Xiao, and JinmingWen,Improved Upper Bound on the Complementary Error Function, ElectronicsLetters,56(2020), pp.663-665. |
主要论文 代表性期刊论文
[50] | FengWang,Shancheng Zhao, JinmingWen,Shiguo Wang, Zhetao Li. A Genie-AidedApproach to Error Floor Estimation for SpatiallyCoupled Serially Concatenated Codes, to appear inIEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023. | [49] | JinmingWen. BinaryLeast Squares: An Algorithm for Binary Sparse SignalRecovery, to appear in Journalof Computational Mathematics (中国数学会T1期刊) | [48] | JinmingWen,Hongyu He, Zihao He and Fumin Zhu. A Pseudo-Inverse-Based Hard Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse SignalRecovery, IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems, 24(2023), pp.7621-7630. (中科院1区期刊) | [47] | QingLi, Shuai Zhao, Shancheng Zhao andJinmingWen*. LogisticRegression Matching Pursuit algorithm for textclassification,Knowledge-BasedSystems , 277(2023),110761. (中科院1区期刊) | [46] | ShuaiZhao, Qing Li, Yuer Yang, JinmingWen* andWeiqi Luo. From Softmax to Nucleusmax: A Novel Sparse Language Model for Chinese Radiology ReportSummarization,ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 22(2023),pp.1-21. | [45] | KangLi, Fengjun Xiao, Bingpeng Zhou and Jinming Wen*.A sharper lower bound on Rankin's constant, InformationProcessing Letters, 182 (2023), 106379.(中国密码学会B类期刊) | [44] | ShuaiZhao, ZhuoqianLiang, JinmingWen* and JieChen.Sparsing and Smoothing for the seq2seq Models, IEEETransactions on Artificial Intelligence, 4(2023),pp.464-472. | [43] | YinghuaWang, Zihao He, Guoming Zhang and Jinming Wen*,Improved Sufficient Conditions Based on RIC of Order 2s for IHTand HTP Algorithms,IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, 30(2023), pp. 668-672. (中科院2区期刊) | [42] | HaifengLi, Jing Zhang, JinmingWen*,Dongfang Li. Requirednumber of iterations for sparse signal recovery viaorthogonal least squares, Journalof Computational Mathematics 41.1 (2023): 1-17. (中国数学会T1期刊) | [41] | YongdongWu, Jian Weng, Zhengxia Wang, Kaimin Wei, JinmingWen,Junzuo Lai, Xin Li. Attacks and countermeasures onprivacy-preserving biometric authentication schemes,IEEETransactions on Dependable and SecureComputing, 2022,20(2): 1744-1755. | [40] | JinmingWen* and Xiao-Wen Chang. Sharperbounds on four lattice constants,Designs,Codes and Cryptography , 90(2022), pp. 1463-1484.(CCFB类期刊、中科院2区期刊) | [39] | ZihaoHe, Hongyu He, Xiaoli Liu, Jinming Wen. An improved sufficient condition for sparse signal recoverywith minimization of L1-L2, IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, 29(2022): 907-911. | [38] | TengjiaoHe, Kwan-Wu Chin, Zhen Zhang, Tianle Liu, JinmingWen. Optimizing information freshness in RF-powered multi-hop wireless networks, IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications, 21(2022), 21(9): 7135-7147. | [37] | JinmingWen andHaifeng Li.Binarysparse signal recovery with binary matchingpursuit,Inverse Problems , 37(2021),pp. 065014. (中国数学会T1期刊) | [36] | JinmingWen* andXiao-Wen Chang. Onthe Success Probability of Three Detectors for theBox-Constrained Integer Linear Model, IEEE Transactionson Communications, 69(2021), pp. 7180-7191.(中科院2区TOP期刊) | [35] | JinmingWen,Jie Li, Huanmin Ge, Zhengchun Zhou and Weiqi Luo.Orthogonal Least Squares Detector for Generalized SpatialModulation,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,20(2021), pp. 5071-5082. (中科院1区期刊) | [34] | BingpengZhou, An Liu, Vincent Lau, JinmingWen*,Shahid Mumtaz, Ali Kashif Bashir and Syed HassanAhmed. PerformanceLimits of Visible Light-Based Positioning forInternet-of-Vehicles: Time-Domain Localization CooperationGain, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent TransportationSystems, 22(2021),pp. 5374-5388.(中科院1区期刊) | [33] | HaifengLi, JinmingWen*,Jun Xian and Jing Zhang. Nearlyoptimal number of iterations for sparse signal recoverywith orthogonal multi-matching pursuit, InverseProblems, 37(2021),pp. 115007. (中国数学会T1期刊) | [32] | Bingpeng Zhou*, JinmingWen*,Hongyang Chen, Vincent KN Lau. The effect of multipath propagation on performance limit of mmwaveMIMO-based position, orientation and channelestimation, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 71(2021), 71(4): 3851-3867. | [31] | JinmingWen*,Rui Zhang and Wei Yu. Signal-DependentPerformance Analysis of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit forExact Sparse Recovery, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 68(2020),pp. 5031-5046.(中科院1区期刊) | [30] | ShanchengZhao, JinmingWen*,Shahid Mumtaz, Sahil Garg and Bong Jun Choi.Spatially Coupled Codes via Partial and Recursive Superposition for Industrial IoT with HighTrustworthiness, IEEE Transactions on IndustrialInformatics,16(2020),pp. 6143-6153. (中科院1区期刊) | [29] | DonghongCai, JinmingWen*,Pingzhi Fan, Yanqing Xu and Lisu Yu. Active userand data detection for uplink grant-free NOMA systems, ChinaCommunications, 17(2020),pp. 2-28.(中国卓越期刊) | [28] | ZhigaoZheng, Tao Wang*, JinmingWen*,Shahid Mumtaz, Ali Kashif Bashir and Sajjad HussainChauhdary. Differentially Private High-DimensionalData Publication in Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(2020),pp. 2640-2650.(中科院1区期刊) | [27] | TengjiaoHe, Kwan-WuChin, SietengSoh, ChanglinYang and JinmingWen*.On Maximizing Min Source Rate in Power BeaconAssisted IoTs Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(2020),pp. 11880-11892.(中科院2区TOP期刊) | [26] | JinmingWen* andXiao-Wen Chang. Onthe KZ Reduction,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,65(2019), pp. 1921-1935.(CCFA类期刊、曾入选ESI高被引论文) | [25] | JinmingWen,Zhengchun Zhou, Zilong Liu, Ming-jun Lai and XiaohuTang. Sharp Sufficient Conditions for Stable Recoveryof Block Sparse Signals by Block Orthogonal Matching Pursuit,Applied and Computational HarmonicAnalysis,47(2019),pp. 948-974.(中科院1区期刊、曾入选高被引论文、SCI引用47次) | [24] | JinmingWen,Jian Weng, Chao Tong, Chao Ren and Zhengchun Zhou. SparseSignal Recovery with Minimization of 1-Norm Minus 2-Norm.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(2019),pp. 6847-6854.(中科院2区TOP期刊、SCI引用35次) | [23] | JinmingWen,Lanping Li, Xiaohu Tang, and Wai-Ho Mow. AnEfficient Optimal Algorithm for the Successive Minima Problem,IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(2019),pp. 1921-1935.(中科院2区TOP期刊) | [22] | JinmingWen,Jian Weng, Yi Fang, Haris Gacanin and Weiqi Luo. NovelProperties of Successive Minima and Their Applications to 5GTactile Internet,IEEE Transactions on Communications, 15(2019),pp.3068-3076.(中科院1区期刊) | [21] | HonghongYang, JinmingWen*,Xiaojun Wu*, Li He, Shahid Mumtaz. An EfficientEdge Artificial Intelligence MultiPedestrian Tracking MethodWith Rank Constraint, IEEE Transactions on IndustrialInformatics, 15(2019),pp. 4178-4188.(中科院1区期刊) | [20] | QiaoTian, Yun Lin, Xinghao Guo, JinmingWen*, Yi Fang, Jonathan Rodriguez and Shahid Mumtaz. NewSecurity Mechanisms of High-Reliability IoTCommunication Based on Radio Frequency Fingerprint.IEEEInternet of Things Journal, 6(2019),pp. 7980 - 7987.(中科院1区期刊) | [19] | HuanminGe, Libo Wang, JinmingWen* andJun Xian. AnRIP Condition for Exact Support Recovery withCovariance-Assisted Matching Pursuit,IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, 26(2019),pp. 520-524.(中科院2区期刊) | [18] | HaifengLi and JinmingWen*. ANew Analysis for Support Recovery with Block OrthogonalMatching Pursuit, IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters, 26(2019),pp. 247-251.(中科院2区期刊) | [17] | ShanxiangLyu, JinmingWen,JianWeng and Cong Ling. On Low-Complexity LatticeReduction Algorithms for Large-Scale MIMO Detection: TheBlessing of Sequential Reduction, IEEE Transactions on SignalProcessing, 68(2020), pp. 257-269. | [16] | ChaoRen, Haijun Zhang, JinmingWen,Jian Chen and Chintha Tellambura. SuccessiveTwo-Way Relaying for Full-Duplex Users with Generalized Self-InterferenceMitigation, IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications,18(2019), pp. 63-76. | [15] | JinmingWen*,Keyu Wu, Chintha Tellambura and Pingzhi Fan. Closed-FormSymbol Error Rate Analysis for Successive InterferenceCancellation Decoders, IEEE Transactions on WirelessCommunications, 17(2018),pp. 8256-8267.(中科院1区期刊) | [14] | JinmingWen,Li He and Fumin Zhu. SwarmRobotics Control and Communications: Imminent Challengesfor Next Generation Smart Logistics, IEEE CommunicationsMagazine, 56(2018),pp. 102-107.(中科院1区期刊) | [13] | JinmingWen,Chao Ren and Arun Kumar Sangaiah. Energy-EfficientDevice-to-Device Edge Computing Network: An ApproachOffloading Both Traffic and Computation, IEEE CommunicationsMagazine, 56(2018), pp.96-102.(中科院1区期刊) | [12] | ZhengchunZhou, Dan Zhang, Tor Helleseth and JinmingWen.A Construction of Multiple Optimal ZCZ SequenceSets with Good Cross-Correlation, IEEE Transactionson Information Theory, 64(2018), pp. 1340-1346. | [11] | JinmingWen andXiao-Wen Chang. SuccessProbability of the Babai Estimators for Box-ConstrainedInteger Linear Models, IEEE Transactions on InformationTheory,,63(2017), pp. 631-648. (CCFA类顶级期刊、曾入选ESI高被引论文、SCI引用42次) | [10] | JinmingWen,Jian Wang and Qinyu Zhang. NearlyOptimal Bounds for Orthogonal Least Squares, IEEETransactions on Signal Processing, 65(2017),pp. 5347-5356.(中科院1区期刊、SCI引用69次) | [9] | JinmingWen,Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaohu, Tang and QunMo. ASharp Condition for Exact Support Recovery withOrthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE Transactions on SignalProcessing, 65(2017),pp.1370-1382. (中科院1区期刊、曾入选ESI高被引论文、曾入选ESI热点论文,SCI引用126次) | [8] | JieTang, Daniel K. C. So, Arman Shojaeifard, Kai-Kit Wong and Jinming Wen.Joint Antenna Selection and Spatial Switching forEnergy Efficient MIMOSWIPT System, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(2017),pp. 4754-4769. | [7] | JinmingWen andXiao-Wen Chang. GfcLLL:A Greedy Selection Based Approach for Fixed-ComplexityLLL Reduction, IEEE Communications Letters, 21(2017),pp. 1965-1968. | [6] | JinmingWen,Zhengchun Zhou, Dongfang Li, Xiaohu Tang. ANovel Sufficient Condition for Generalized OrthogonalMatching Pursuit, IEEE Communications Letters, 21(2017), pp. 805-808. | [5] | JinmingWen*,Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow and Xiao-Wen Chang. AnEfficient Algorithm for Optimally Solving a ShortestVector Problem in Compute-and-Forward Design, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, 15(2016),pp. 6541-6555.(中科院1区期刊) | [4] | JinmingWen,Chao Tong and Shi Bai. Effects of Some Lattice Reductions on the Success Probability ofthe Zero-Forcing Decoder, IEEE CommunicationsLetters, 20(2016),2031-2034. | [3] | JinmingWen,Dongfang Li and Fumin Zhu. StableRecovery of Sparse Signals via -Minimization,Applied and Computational HarmonicAnalysis, 38(2015),161-176. (中科院1区期刊,曾入选高被引论文) | [2] | Xiao-WenChang, JinmingWen andXiaohu Xie. Effects of the LLL reduction on thesuccess probability of the Babai point and on the complexityanalysis of sphere decoding, IEEE Transactions onInformation Theory, 59 (2013), pp. 4915-4926.(CCFA类期刊) | [1] | JinmingWen,Xiaomei Zhu and Dongfang Li. Improved Bounds on theRestricted Isometry Constant for Orthogonal MatchingPursuit, Electronics Letters 49, 23 (2013): 1487-1489. |
[11] | JieChen, Yu Li, JinmingWen,and Jian Weng, Identity-based matchmakingencryption from standard assumptions, In Advancesin Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2022: 28th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology andInformation Security, Taipei, Taiwan, December 5–9,2022, Proceedings, Part III (pp. 394-422). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. (三大密码学会议, 按姓氏排) | [10] | JinmingWen andWei Yu. Exact Sparse Signal Recovery via Orthogonal MatchingPursuit with Prior Information, ICASSP 2019, 5003-5007. | [9] | JinmingWen. Some Properties of Successive Minima and Their Applications,ISIT 2018, pp. 686-690. | [8] | JinmingWen,Xiao-Wen Chang and Chintha Tellambura. Onthe Success Probability of the Box-Constrained Roundingand Babai Detectors, ISIT 2017, pp. 526-530. | [7] | JinmingWen, Lanping Li, Xiaohu Tang, Wai-Ho Mow and ChinthaTellambura. An Efficient Optimal Algorithm for Intger-Forcing LinearMIMO Receivers Design, ICC 2017, pp. 1-6. | [6] | JinmingWen,Keyu Wu and Chintha Tellambura. A Closed-Form Symbol Error Rate Analysis for SuccessiveInterference Cancellation Decoders, ICC 2017, pp. 1-6. | [5] | JinmingWen andXiao-Wen Chang. A Linearithmic Time Algorithm for a Shortest Vector Problemin Compute-and-Forward Design, ISIT 2016, 2344-2348. | [4] | JinmingWen,Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaohu, Tang and Qun Mo. ASharp Condition for Exact Support Recovery of SparseSignals with Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, ISIT 2016,2364-2368. | [3] | JinmingWen andXiao-Wen Chang. Amodified KZ reduction algorithm, IEEE ISIT 2015, pp.451-455. | [2] | JinmingWen,Baojian Zhou, Wai Ho Mow and Xiao-WenChang. Compute-and-Forward Protocol Design Based on Improved Sphere Decoding, IEEEICC 2015, pp.1631-1636. | [1] | ChaoTong, Jianwei Niu, Jinming Wen,Zhongyu Xie and Fu Peng. WeightedLabel Propagation Algorithm for Overlapping CommunityDetection, IEEE ICC 2015, pp. 1238-1243. |
主要著作 JinmingWen, LatticeReduction and its Applications in Wireless SensorsNetworks, Encyclopediaof Wireless Networks, Springer, Nov. 2018. (Invited) |
发明专利 11.温金明,祝利杰,赵山程,黄斐然,罗伟其.一种减法匹配追踪的二值稀疏信号恢复方法及其应用. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202011186669.6, 申请日期:2020.10.30. 申请号:CN112422133 B, 授权日期:2022.10.21. 专利号:ZL202011186669.6. 10.温金明,何梓濠.基于稀疏随机Kaczmarz算法稀疏信号恢复方法、系统、设备和介质. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202211341903.7, 申请日期:2022.10.31. 申请号:CN115412102 B, 授权日期:2023.02.03,专利号:ZL202211341903.7. 9.温金明,邓国威;赵帅;刘鹏;何腾蛟. 防御文本分类模型后门攻击的方法、设备及介质. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202211341903.7, 申请日期:2023.03.22. 申请号:CN 115994352 B, 授权日期:2023.06.02,专利号:ZL2023 1 0280078.2. 8. 温金明,赵帅;何梓濠;张雨淋;李庆. 抗后门攻击的智能医疗影像诊断意见自动生成方法. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202211341903.7, 申请日期:2023.01.09. 申请号:CN 115994352 B, 授权日期:2023.07.07,专利号:ZL2023 1 0029752.X. 7.赵山程,杨超杰,温金明,马啸.基于校验序列重编码的空间耦合串行级联码的编码方法. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202011081215.2, 申请日期:2020.10.09 申请号: CN112332867B,授权日期:2022.11.22. 专利号:ZL202011081215.2. 6.赵山程,温金明,马啸. “一种基于部分叠加的递归分组马尔可夫叠加编码方法”. 中国发明专利,专利申请号:201910921448.X,公开号:110730011A,公开日: 2019.09.27.授权日期:2023.03.31.
5.温金明, 何梓濠, 何红雨, 李强,蔡东洪. 一种基于二值最小二乘法的二值稀疏信号恢复方法及系统. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202210561794.3, 申请日期:2022.05.23. 4.温金明, 林佳铎, 黄斐然, 罗伟其. 基于知识图谱和多重匹配的地址修整补全方法及应用. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202011361104.7, 申请日期:2020.11.27 3.黄斐然, 温金明, 王泽钒. 基于Transformer的多重特征中英文情感分类方法及系统. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202010659948.3, 申请日期:2020.07.10. 2.蔡东洪,陈颖玚,刘志全, 温金明,李强, 何腾蛟. 一种基于隐私保护的非正交安全编码方法. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202110711353.2, 申请日期:2021.10.01. 1.李强,白松,蔡东洪,赵山程,温金明. 一种智能反射膜辅助的分布式主被动互惠传输方法. 国家发明专利, 申请号:202210433379.X, 申请日期:2022.07.29.