2008-2013中山大学,信息科学与技术学院,博士研究生 2004-2008中山大学,软件学院,本科
工作经历 2017-至今,永利集团,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,副研究员 2017-2017,AucklandUniversity of Technology,访问学者 2016-2017,永利集团,3044澳门永利集团欢迎您,讲师 2014-2016,中山大学,电子与信息工程学院,博士后
研究方向 信息安全、多媒体信息隐藏、秘密分享、视觉密码 招收熟悉多媒体信号处理、信息隐藏、密码学等领域知识的本科生、硕士生。
[28]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, High Capacity Partial ReversibleData Hiding by Hamming Code [J], Multimedia tools andApplications, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11042-020-09098-9.
[27]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Yi-Yun Yang, Sharing and hiding asecret image in color palette images with authentication [J],Multimedia tools and Applications, 2020, doi:10.1007/s11042-020-09253-2.
[26]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Yen-Wei Liu, A General Framework forPartial Reversible Data Hiding using Hamming Code [J], SignalProcessing, 2020: 107657.
[25]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Probabilistic color visualcryptography schemes for black and white secret images [J],Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2020:102793.
[24]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Yi-Yun Yang, A hybrid scheme forenhancing recovered image quality in polynomial based secret imagesharing by modify-and-recalculate strategy [J], Journal ofInformation Security and Applications, 2020, 51: 102452.
[23]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Invertible secret image sharing withsteganography and authentication for AMBTC compressed images [J],Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2019, 78: 437-447
[22]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Partial reversible AMBTC-basedsecret image sharing with steganography [J]. Digital SignalProcessing, 2019, 93: 22-33
[21]Xiaotian Wu, Zhao-Rong Lai, Random grid based color visualcryptography scheme for black and white secret images with generalaccess structures [J], Signal Processing: Image Communication2019, 75: 100-110
[20]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, A combination of color black andwhite visual cryptography and polynomial based secret imagesharing [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and ImageRepresentation, 2019, 61: 74-84
[19]Xiaotian Wu, Dong Chen, Ching-Nung Yang, Yi-Yun Yang, A (k, n)threshold partial reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography usingone reference image [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and ImageRepresentation, 2019, 59: 550-562
[18]Xiaotian Wu, Ching-Nung Yang, Yi Ting Zhuang, Shen-ChiehHsu:Improving recovered image quality in secret image sharing bysimple modular arithmetic [J]. Signal Processing: ImageCommunication, 2018, 66: 42-49.
[17]Xiaotian Wu, Jian Weng and WeiQi Yan, Adopting Secret Sharing forReversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images[J]. Signal Processing,2018, 143: 269-281.
[16]Ching-Nung Yang, Xiaotian Wu*(通讯作者),Yung-Chien Chou, Zhangjie Fu, Constructions of General (k, n)Reversible AMBTC-based Visual Cryptography with Two DecryptionOptions, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2017, 48: 182-194.
[15]Xiaotian Wu, Bing Chen, Jian Weng, Reversible data hiding forencrypted signals by homomorphic encryption and signal energytransfer[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and ImageRepresentation, 2016, 41: 58-64
[14]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Extended Capabilities for XOR-Based VisualCryptography [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics andSecurity, 2014, 9(10): 1592-1605.
[13]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Generalized Random Grid and Its Applicationsin Visual Cryptography [J]. IEEE Transactions on InformationForensics and Security, 2013, 8 (9): 1541-1553.
[12]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Robust Copyright Protection Scheme forDigital Images using Overlapping DCT and SVD [J]. Applied SoftComputing, 2013, 13(2):1170-1182.
[11]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Improved Tagged Visual Cryptography byRandom Grids [J]. Signal Processing, 2014, 97: 64-82.
[10]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Improving the Visual Quality of RandomGrid-based Visual Secret Sharing [J]. Signal Processing, 2013,93(5): 977-995.
[9]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding inEncrypted Images by Prediction Error [J]. Signal Processing, 2014,104: 387-400.
[8]Xiaotian Wu, Tong Liu, Wei Sun, Improving the Visual Quality ofRandom Grid-based Visual Secret Sharing via Error Diffusion [J].Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2013, 24(5): 552-566.
[7]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Random Grid-based Visual Secret Sharing withAbilities of OR and XOR Decryptions [J]. Journal of VisualCommunication and Image Representation, 2013, 24(1): 48-62.
[6]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Secret Image Sharing Scheme withAuthentication and Remedy Abilities based on Cellular Automata andDiscrete Wavelet Transform [J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2013, 86(4):1068-1088.
[5]Xiaotian Wu, Duanhao Ou, Qiming Liang, Wei Sun, A User-FriendlySecret Image Sharing Scheme with Reversible Steganography based onCellular Automata [J]. Journal of Systems and Software, 2012,85(8):1852-1863.
[4]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Random Grid-based Visual Secret Sharing forGeneral Access Structures with Cheat-Preventing Ability [J].Journal of Systems and Software, 2012, 85(5):1119-1134.
[3]Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun, Visual Secret Sharing for General AccessStructures by Random Grids [J]. IET Information Security, 2012,6(4):299-309.
[2]Xiaotian Wu, Duanhao Ou, Juan Liu, Wei Sun, Data Hiding inHalftone Images with Homogeneous Distribution of EmbeddingPositions [J]. Optical Engineering, 2012, 51(3):037005.
[1]Xiaotian Wu, Duanhao Ou, Lu Dai, Wei Sun, XOR-Based MeaningfulVisual Secret Sharing by Generalized Random Grid [C]. //Proc the1st ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security,Montpellier: ACM, 2013, pp. 181-190.
讲授课程 本科生课程:计算机专业英语、IT专业英语、安全协议分析与设计 研究生课程:安全协议分析与设计、算法理论及应用 承担课题 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,61972179,秘密图像分存的关键技术研究及其在加密域可逆信息隐藏的应用,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持。