个人信息 |
部门: 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您 性别: 女 职称: 副教授 电子邮箱: t_xiujie@jnu.edu.cn 办公地址: 南海楼411室 |
学习经历 2012年6月毕业于中山大学,获得工学博士学位。 工作经历 2013年11月加入永利集团。 2012年7月至2013年9月在美国夏威夷大学做博士后。 2011年9月至2012年6月在美国夏威夷大学做访问学者。 研究方向 信息安全,信息理论及其应用,数字存储 招生意向1.信息安全 2.信息理论及其应用 3.数字存储 主要论文 代表性成果 [J1]. Shancheng Zhao, Xiujie Huang, Xiao Ma, “Structural Analysis of Array-Based Non-Binary LDPC Codes”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS,vol. 64, no. 12, pp.4910-4922, Sept. 2016. SCI/EI [J2]. Xiujie Huang, Xiao Ma, Lei Lin and Baoming Bai, “Accessible capacity of secondary users”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 4722-4738, Aug. 2014. SCI/EI [J3]. Meysam Asadi, Xiujie Huang, Aleksandar Kavcic and Narayana Santhanam, “Optimal detector for multilevel NAND flash memory channels with intercell interference”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (J-SAC), vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 825-835, May 2014. SCI/EI [J4]. Xiujie Huang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Xiao Ma, Guiqiang Dong and Tong Zhang, “Multilevel flash memories: channel modeling, capacities and optimal coding rates,” International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol. 6, no. 3&4, pp. 364-373, Dec., 2013. [J5]. Xiujie Huang, Aleksandar Kavcic and Xiao Ma, “Upper bounds on the capacities of noncontrollable finite-state channels with/without feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (T-IT), vol. 58,no. 8, pp. 5233-5247, Aug., 2012. SCI/EI [C1]. Nina Lin, Xiujie Huang, Xiao Ma,“Analysis of the Uplink Capacity in the High-speed Train Wireless Communication with Full-duplex Mobile Relay”, 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Nanjing, China, 2016.05.15-2016.05.18. EI [C2]. Xiujie Huang, Haiqiang Chen and Xiao Ma, “Achievable rates and forward-backward decoding algorithms for the Gaussian relay channels under the one-code constraint,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2014), Sydney, Austria, June 10-14, 2014. EI [C3]. Xiujie Huang, Meysam Asadi, Aleksandar Kavcic and Narayana Santhanam, “All-Bit-Line MLC Flash Memories: Optimal Detection Strategies,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2014), Sydney, Austria, June 10-14, 2014. EI [C4]. Xiujie Huang, Aleksandar Kavcic, Xiao Ma, Guiqiang Dong and Tong Zhang, “Optimization of achievable information rates and number of levels in multilevel flash memories,” The Twelfth Intern. Conf. Networks, IARIA ICN 2013 Seville, Spain, Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2013, pp. 125-131. [C5]. Xiujie Huang, Xiao Ma, Lei Lin and Baoming Bai, “Accessible capacity of secondary users over the Gaussian interference channel,” IEEE Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory, ISIT 2011, Saint Petersburg, Russian, July 31-Aug.5, 2011, pp. 811-815. EI 主要著作 主要从事信息理论、数字存储、无线网络通信理论等方面的研究。已在本领域权威国际期刊IEEE Transcations on Information Theory、IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications、IEEE Transctaions on Communications和权威国际会议IEEE ISIT、IEEE ICC等上发表论文十余篇,获美国发明专利1项。主持国家自然科学基金1项、广东省自然科学基金1项,广州市科技计划项目1项,永利集团培育项目1项。担任过IEEE Transcations on Information Theory、IEEE Transctaions on Communications和IEEE Access等国际期刊和IEEE ISIT、IEEE ICC、IEEE ICNC、EEE WCNIS等国际会议的审稿人。 讲授课程 《密码算法与协议(全英)》,《概率统计》等 |