个人信息 |
姓名: 张盛鑫 部门: 3044澳门永利集团欢迎您 性别: 男 职称: 讲师 学位: 博士 办公地址: 南海楼719
联系方式 电子邮箱: zhangsx@jnu.edu.cn |
学习经历 2017-2020,香港城市大学,电子工程系,博士 2013-2016, 永利集团,电子工程系,硕士(免试) 2009-2013,永利集团,电子工程系,学士 工作经历 2021至今,永利集团 研究方向 研究方向:智能信息处理,进化计算,深度学习,电磁器件优化。 欢迎有志科研深造的学生报考团队硕士研究生,博士研究生。 欢迎对科研方向感兴趣的大一至大三本科生加入实验室学习。 联系方式:zhangsx@jnu.edu.cn 主要论文 [1] S. X. Zhang, Y. N. Wen, Y. H. Liu, L. M. Zheng, and S. Y. Zheng, “Differential evolution with domain transform,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Accept, 2022. [2] S. X. Zhang, W. S. Chan, K. S. Tang, and S. Y. Zheng, “Adaptive strategy in differential evolution via explicit exploitation and exploration controls,” Applied Soft Computing, 107494, 2021. [3] S. X. Zhang, W. S. Chan, Z. K. Peng, S. Y. Zheng, and K. S. Tang, “Selective-candidate framework with similarity selection rule for evolutionary optimization,” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. 56, 100696, 2020. [4] S. X. Zhang, L. M. Zheng, K. S. Tang, S. Y. Zheng, and W. S. Chan, “Multi-layer competitive-cooperative framework for performance enhancement of differential evolution,” Information Sciences, vol. 482, pp. 86–104, 2019. [5] S. X. Zhang, S. Y. Zheng, and L. M. Zheng, “An efficient multiple variants coordination framework for differential evolution,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2780–2793, Sep. 2017. [6] S. X. Zhang, L. M. Zheng, S. Y. Zheng, and Y. M. Pan, “Decomposition-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with mating neighborhood sizes and reproduction operators adaptation,” Soft Computing, vol. 21, pp. 6381–6392, Nov. 2017. [7] L. M. Zheng, S. X. Zhang, K. S. Tang, and S. Y. Zheng, “Differential evolution powered by collective information,” Information Sciences, vol. 399, pp.13–29, Aug. 2017.
承担课题 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目一项,2023.01-2025.12 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目一项,2023.04-2025.03